What is Claw Toe Surgery?

Claw toe surgery involves straightening one or more of the lesser toes. It can involve one or more procedures such as joint fusion, tendon transfer, bone shortening (Weil osteotomy) or elevation, and capsular repair. 

What Does it Involve?

You may need to temporarily stop certain blood thinning or diabetic medications prior to surgery. You will be informed of this but if you are unsure of your requirements please ask.

The procedure is done under a general or regional anaesthetic. Following surgery you will either stay overnight in hospital or go home the same day depending on any other procedures that have been done. You will go home in a velcro shoe which allows you to walk on the operated foot. You should keep your foot elevated as much as possible and minimise your activity. 

How Long is Recovery?

You will see Dr Freihaut 2 weeks following surgery for suture removal. Once your wound has healed you may mobilise more freely but will need to use the velcro shoe whenever walking for 6 weeks in total. You will not be able to drive for 6 weeks if your right foot was operated on. You will be reviewed at the 6 week mark with an X-ray and if a pin was placed in the toe it will be removed at this time. You will then be able to walk in normal shoes. You should not do anything too strenuous for another 6 weeks. Swelling will be present for 6-12 months. 

Is Physiotherapy Required?

Physiotherapy is generally not required.

What are the Risks?

Risks include but are not limited to infection, blood clots, injury to nerves and blood vessels, wound breakdown, recurrence of the claw toe, stiffness, pain in other areas of the foot.